Light Table is a next generation code editor that connects you to your creation with instant feedback. Light Table is very customizable and can display anything a Chromium browser can.
Define core of BOT architecture and provide fns for manipulating objects, behaviors and tags
Provide command manager and command related fns
Provide fns and behaviors for interfacing with a CodeMirror editor object. Also manage defining and loading CodeMirror. For more about CodeMirror objects see
Public variables and functions:
- +line-class
- ->cm-ed
- ->cursor
- ->elem
- ->generation
- ->mode
- ->token
- ->token-type
- ->val
- -line-class
- add-gutter
- adjust-loc
- block-comment
- blur
- bookmark
- center-cursor
- char-coords
- clear-history
- copy
- cursor
- cut
- dirty?
- extension
- find-marks
- first-line
- focus
- fold-code
- get-char
- get-doc
- get-history
- indent-line
- indent-lines
- indent-selection
- inner-mode
- input-field
- insert-at-cursor
- last-line
- lh->line
- line
- line-comment
- line-count
- line-handle
- line-length
- line-widget
- mark
- mode-blacklist
- move-cursor
- off
- on
- on-change
- on-click
- on-move
- on-scroll
- on-update
- operation
- option
- paste
- pos->index
- range
- redo
- refresh
- remove-gutter
- remove-line-widget
- replace
- replace-selection
- scroll-to
- select-all
- selection
- selection-bounds
- selection?
- set-doc!
- set-extending
- set-history
- set-line
- set-mode
- set-options
- set-selection
- set-val
- set-val-and-keep-cursor
- show-hints
- toggle-comment
- uncomment
- undo
Provide manager for managing a pool of editors and several misc editor commands
Public variables and functions:
Provide fns for doing file related operations. A number of fns use the node fs library -
Public variables and functions:
- absolute?
- append
- basename
- copy
- cwd
- delete!
- dir?
- dirs
- exists?
- ext
- ext->mode
- file?
- filter-walk
- full-path-ls
- get-roots
- home
- ignore-pattern
- line-ending
- ls
- ls-sync
- lt-home
- lt-user-dir
- mkdir
- move!
- open
- open-sync
- parent
- path->mode
- path->type
- real-path
- relative
- resolve
- save
- separator
- stats
- trash!
- walk-up-find
- without-ext
- writable?
Provide fns for displaying messages and spinner in bottom statusbar
Public variables and functions: